Meadow on the edge of Liberec #168

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8.18 €

8.18 €

5.72 €

3.27 €

1.23 €

rented by:
The meadow is located at the foot of the Jizera Mountains, 100m public transport, near the ZOO (2km), Liberec Heights, Bedřichov, view of part of Liberec, quiet environment.
basic parameters
Free access to the property What does it mean?
The property owner must confirm the reservation. What does it mean?
The property is designated for 1 reservation. What does it mean?
You will receive the exact location after you complete the reservation, indicative map is below. Why?
The property owner contact information will be provided after the reservation. Why?
toilet - Dry toilet
drinking water - Ready barrel of drinking water, stainless steel sink.
electricity - Possibility to connect an extension cable, I recommend to have at least 10 m of your cable with you. Payment on the spot 100,-CZK/day.
shower / washroom - Created a place to shower,need to use your bag to heat water.
picnic table
campfire ring
Wastewater disposal
Greywater (shower, washing) - For compost
Chemical toilet - By agreement with the owner
Access to the property may be a problem in winter
Access to the property may be difficult in rainy weather

The exit from the property is slightly uphill,grass removed but becomes slippery when wet(sand available) Ramping onto the road due to the slight water trough sometimes difficult when it rains. Climb from the top.

Restriction of the access road

300cm, branches removed. I'm going out with my caravan, slight incline.


Around the land is a cycle path in the direction of Bedřichov 4 km to the highway, on weekends cyclobus to Bedřichov, stop 100 m


Liberec dam, Černá Nisa

water sports

Liberecká dam 2kmForest swimming pool 2kmBlack Nisa 8km

activities for kids

Possibility of using the owner's playground, children's playground at the zoo


200m forest path towards the Jizera Mountains

roller skating

Vesec 10km, 25 km Tri-country (Poland, Germany, Czech Republic)


Maintain order and peace at night

Arrival from: 13:00
Departure until: 12:00
Can I come anytime?

campfire allowed
own grill allowed
parties and noise prohibited, please keep quiet also during the day More info
payment in cash and outside the reservation system is not possible More info
Ratings by guests
Where do the property ratings come from?

6.9 - 7.9.2024 Markéta říká:
Beautiful meadow. In the evening a doe came to see us.
31.8 - 3.9.2024 antonín říká:
the place is nice and especially in a good location for bike rides to Bedřichov and the surrounding area.
5.8 - 11.8.2024 Aleš říká:

Fine and close to Liberec. For children attractions in Babylon and IQ landia.
26.7 - 27.7.2024 Nela říká:
A place on the edge of town with great amenities!
5.7 - 8.7.2024 Sandra říká:
Awesome accommodation! Great location, close to the J. mountains, possibility to use the bus to the city - a short stop. We were with the kids (4,7) and really appreciated the trampoline and playground we could use down at the edge of the property with the owner. The only thing we missed was a hose for evening ,,hygiene". However, there is a shower available if you have a hanging bag.
My trip
I will stay in: (What should I select in my case?)

Number of persons:
>12 years
4–2 years
0–3 years

Arrival - Departure

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