The revolutionary service allows you to travel freely at last
Come and read our short story, our own journey that has led us here. To a unique online service that will allow all of us travellers to finally travel freely. What was a matter of course a few years ago is becoming very rare today. There are huge crowds everywhere, and finding at least a piece of space just for yourself is becoming more and more difficult. But we found it for you.
Our dreams and reality
We’re a group of people who love to travel. To travel freely. The idea of a mass tour with a travel agency gives us the creeps. And why should we get sunburnt on a beach? Ugh! Instead, we prefer to experience the beauty of our planet. With a backpack on our backs, but also in our favourite caravan. Yes, we bought a dream caravan. That’s it! This will suit our free soul.
We can finally go where we want – why buy a cabin when we can take the cabin with us? We can leave at the last minute and don’t have to worry about losing our paid hotel accommodation due to weather changes or children’s illnesses.
We can finally camp in the wild, overlooking the mountains and hugging our partner wrapped in a flannel blanket, sipping delicious coffee, as they show in films or ads. I love you! A perfect life full of romance. And now the one about Little Red Riding Hood...
It turns out that we weren’t the only ones having this naive ‘dream’, but also thousands, millions of other people in the world. Logical. Reality is often far removed from our romantic idea of travelling freely. The growing number of tourists who share information very quickly thanks to the Internet, social networks, etc. (often distorted and edited photos) has made sure that we won’t legally enjoy our coffee with our partner in any wilderness. There are so many tourists and caravanners that the authorities prohibit this wild camping, regardless of the fact that each plot belongs to someone. We don’t sleep soundly with the idea that anyone can wake us up at night and order us to leave or even fine us. A barbecue in a concrete parking lot by a supermarket or by the highway doesn’t sound right either. Let’s go to a camp...
Camping in a Czech campsite :-)
Our free-thinking heart takes a licking here. We have to make reservations like in any hotel in high season, on weekends or in very popular places (so the risk of losing money is the same). We find that caravanning is popular and the caravan raids into the campsites are massive. A romantic place suddenly becomes a refugee camp. No privacy and no tranquillity. Cheaper campsites often attract groups of people with a need to party until the morning. We wake up tired and pray that the next night (or other camp) will be different. Sometimes we come across a nice, quiet place, but we don’t want to take part in this lottery anymore. And so we came up with for ourselves and for you.
Michal, Petr, Pavel
and our partners, children (Editka, Janička) and dogs (Bad and Ruby)
A place in nature reserved for you
The service is simple. You will find the location where you want to travel and we will show you beautiful plots where you can ‘camp’ with the consent of their owners. And, as with regular booking services, you book this place for your stay. You pay online. And you’re good to go.
No fear of fines
for illegal wild camping without the owner’s consent.
Sleep peacefully
You will no longer be awakened by the stress of someone knocking on your window,
nor will you be disturbed by the annoying music and noise of campsites. However, we aren’t responsible for roosters.
Discover unique places
You will experience genuine romance in nature. No crowded campsites.
Get to know the local people and their habits
Maybe you will make new friendships, taste local
products and experience the ‘farmers’ markets’ right at the source :-)
In addition to nerves, you can also save a few pennies. Most property owners will charge you significantly less than campsites.
Frequent questions
+- Who is the service for?
For all travellers. Whether you have a small tent or a large caravan or motorhome. It is clearly stated for each property what type of accommodation it offers.
+- Why should I pay for sleeping in the wild? Nature belongs to everyone.
Every piece of land belongs to someone and it is illegal to camp on someone else's property without the consent of the owner. Although this doesn't seem to be the case, each camping to some extent 'wears out' and damages the property and there is a risk that some traces, garbage or other mess will remain after departure due to negligence or by mistake after each visit. If everyone suddenly bought a motorhome or a caravan, started driving around the country and stopped wherever they wanted in nature, free of charge and without restrictions, nature would quickly wither away. For this reason, it is necessary to remember that staying even on a secluded meadow has its value and is not available for free to everyone.
A piece of land, nature is the most valuable. Our service is not primarily about saving money at all costs.
The service is designed for people who don't want to squeeze in crowded campsites. Yes, it is possible to “camp” maybe for free in the parking lot of a shopping centre or somewhere else more or less illegally without the opportunity to grill, pull out the awning and still worry about who will eject you. But to be in a beautiful place, almost or completely alone, to have the opportunity to talk to the owner, perhaps a local winemaker, who will let you taste the wine, is priceless in our opinion. And by paying him a respectable price, you will also encourage and motivate him to improve everything for you. Most of the properties also have only a limited capacity (intentionally), so some places are and will be very exclusive and are not intended for mass tourism. We don't want to destroy them! Even the price must proudly show this and it is clear that the service won't be for everyone and we don't want that.
+- How much does the service cost?
You pay just as you are used to with various hotel booking services, etc. The price per night is specified for each property. The price depends on the form of overnight stay, i.e. the price for a tent differs from the price for a caravan. And on the number of persons. Owners determine the composition of the price; some charge only a fixed amount. Everything is displayed on each listing. But don't worry, in most cases you will pay much less than in standard campsites.
+- How do I pay for the service and identify myself to the property owner?
You pay for your reservation online with a payment card in a secure encrypted mode (GoPay payment gateway). After payment, you will receive instructions via email. The owner will also receive a notification. You will also receive a unique reservation code. If you have a caravan or a motorhome, you have entered the plate number in the reservation. That's enough, the owner can verify you at any time according to the plate number. If you only have a tent, the reservation code is the identifier for you. You can simply write the generated code on a piece of paper and place it visibly on your tent. The owner can verify your reservation at any time according to the code. Brilliant, isn't it?
+- Can I cancel my reservation and under what conditions?
As we say in our story, we created the service mainly for ourselves :-) We do not like to lose the whole amount when booking a hotel or camp. It is much more enjoyable with You can cancel your reservation for most properties at any time up to one day before arrival with a 20% cancellation fee (unconfirmed and unpaid reservations are cancelled free of charge). For some properties, where circumstances require so, the conditions are slightly stricter and it is necessary to cancel the reservation earlier; this is always brought to the guest's attention. You can cancel your reservation in your profile in the reservation details or contact us at
Why 20% cancellation fee
The main reason is that we want the service to be accessible to everyone and to be reliable. Imagine a situation where there was no cancellation fee and someone in front of you would, in an extreme case, reserve all the properties for the entire time. I don't think you'd like that. In addition, even if you cancel your reservation, we have certain costs with your order. Nevertheless, we believe that, for example, 20% of the rent in the amount of € 25, i.e. € 5, won't be too painful for you.
Moderate cancellation policy
The reservation can be cancelled no later than one week before the start of the rental, the cancellation fee is 20%
Strict cancellation policy
The reservation can be cancelled no later than 14 days before the start of the rental, the cancellation fee is 20%
Exception - exclusive reservations
If you reserve the entire property for yourself, there is an exception and the cancellation fee is 50%. Please, think about whether you want to come even if the weather is not nice when you are making an exclusive reservation. The reason for the introduction of a higher fee is because it will be difficult for the owner to find other guests in the event of last minute cancellation. There is a difference when, for example, 1 group cancels a reservation, but the other groups still arrive or if the exclusive reservation is cancelled and the owner loses income from the entire property for the whole weekend, so there is a higher cancellation fee as compensation to the owner.
+- How do I know if the property is suitable for me?
During their registration, the owners carefully fill in every detail and upload photos. Based on these data, you can get an idea of what you can expect from the property. Most of the properties also have reviews from other travellers who have already checked the property and so nothing should unpleasantly surprise you on the spot. If you use the service for the first time, we recommend choosing from properties that already have more positive reviews from travellers. More experienced users will certainly find it interesting to explore new properties that have not yet been visited or evaluated and we have not yet had a chance to see them; here, of course, it is necessary to pay a little more attention, especially when it comes to the access road.
+- What about the toilet and water?
It is indicated for each property whether there is a toilet or water available. If you are travelling with your caravan, we assume that this is not an important question for you and your caravan is equipped with a chemical toilet and a water tank (if not, contact the property owner in advance whether it is possible to arrive without a toilet). Before arriving, prepare the toilet and a sufficient amount of water. Of course, it is forbidden to empty anything onto the property. If there is no toilet on the property or you don't have your own chemical toilet, it is necessary to be considerate and follow the rules!
It is strictly forbidden to leave any excrements on/around the property (and in general anywhere else). It is necessary to dig a reasonably deep cathole in a suitable place and then bury everything (this is, of course, only possible if there is a forest or meadow nearby) or take everything away, e.g. in a plastic bag. All with common sense and respect for other travellers and locals! If you consider this a problem, it is necessary to choose a property with a toilet.
If you travel only with a tent and the place is not equipped with a toilet, which will probably be a common situation in the wild, then follow these steps:
1. Try to answer the call of nature on the way, i.e. use restaurants, petrol stations, etc.
2. If you have to go during your stay on the property and there is no toilet available anywhere, please follow the principles of common sense and responsibility to nature and other people, i.e. do not relieve yourself on the property or near other dwellings, but go further into the countryside, try to dig a small cathole (we recommend having a trowel when hiking) or at least remove part of the ground. There are many useful organisms in the ground that will take care of everything effectively. Do you know that this is a more environmentally friendly form of toilet than comfortable, drinking water flushing toilets and expensive wastewater treatment plants? When you are in nature, you sort of become an ecologist.
Please don't leave your turds covered in toilet paper anywhere or throw away various wet wipes, tampons, condoms :-) etc. Take a plastic bag with you, think about others, about nature. The property owners will evaluate you after your stay, so if you behave like 'pigs', there is a high probability that this was your last stay.
Don't expect the same services as in a campsite. On the other hand, that's why you're travelling without a campsite, right?
More about the Leave No Trace approach:
+- How does the GoPay payment gateway work?
After clicking on Reserve, you will be redirected to the GoPay payment gateway, the most widespread and secure Czech payment gateway. Enter your card details here to complete your reservation. You enter your card details in a secure encrypted mode and we don't have access to them. You don't have to worry about security.
+- Can I grill on the property, pull out the awning?
This is the advantage over illegal camping in the wild where you have to be very careful so that no one knows about you (we recommend arriving at night, leaving before dawn, military camouflage, whispering, not pulling out the steps, etc.).
With the service, the owner knows about you and you can enjoy your holiday with ease and undisturbed. You can pull out your awning and grill, etc.
Note: In the case of grills, the owners set this permission in their profile. Sometimes it happens that they accidentally choose the 'grill not allowed' option even though they have no problem with the grill. If this option is displayed, it is recommended to ask them on the spot to be sure.
+- Why are the prices similar to campsites when some properties don't even have sanitary facilities?
A place in nature where you're alone or only in a limited number of people, far from crowded and noisy campsites, that's the greatest value. This is an exclusive experience and, on the contrary, we perceive the campsite as low-cost. Campsites may be cheaper because they try to get as many people on the their property as possible. But is it worth it? In addition, some of our properties have comparable amenities (but only for you).
+- I'm used to campsites - I'm afraid of wild camping
Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. You will see that camping outside the campsite is an incomparable experience and once you try it, you won't want anything else. In addition, most of the disadvantages of wild camping are eliminated with our service; see:
+- Do I need to book in advance? I'm used to making decisions on the spot.
Paying and making a reservation in advance is not necessary, you can make a reservation online (e.g. from your phone) at the time of arrival near the selected place or on the day of departure. However, in this case, it is recommended to choose properties with instant reservation confirmation. The problem is that some places require either the owner's approval (e.g. if the place is not currently used by the owner) or it is necessary for the owner to let you in (e.g. through the gate) and therefore it may not be possible to enter the property without prior agreement on a specific time of arrival (for the owner to be available at that time). This is indicated for each property in the basic parameters. For these properties, we recommend making a reservation at least one day in advance. Our goal is to have a sufficiently wide network of places where it is possible to make an instant reservation without the need for the owner's approval and without the owner having to let you in. In the future, wherever you go, whenever you want to stop, you look at the map for the nearest place and book it for yourself via your mobile phone and come straight to the place.
On the other hand, early reservation gives you a guarantee that the place will be free for you. The space on the property is limited - it is not a campsite and often the owner offers only 2–3 spots or even only one in some cases.
+- Can I come to the selected property at any time?
It is indicated for each property whether there is free access to the property or whether it is necessary to agree with the owner on the time of arrival.
In the case of free access, it is up to you when you arrive. All you have to do is make a reservation for that day. However, if you arrive earlier than indicated in the 'Arrival from' box, it may happen that there will be previous guests on the site and in the case of a smaller property there may not be enough space for you until they leave (the place should be vacated at the latest at the time indicated in the 'Departure until' box if this box is provided). If the 'Departure until' box is provided and you want to leave later, you must not interfere with any new visitors, which is especially true for small properties where only 1 or 2 individual reservations are possible.
In the event that it is necessary to agree with the owner on the time of arrival, it is usually a fenced property with a gate to which the owner must give you the keys or show you in person the property and introduce you to the place for camping. Here, an individual agreement is possible beyond the times indicated in the 'Arrival from' and 'Departure until' boxes (if the boxes are provided), it depends only on the current possibilities of the owner. However, it is still necessary to take into account other visitors who have not yet left the place or are just arriving at the place - as in the case of free access to the property; see above.
+- How does reservation approval work?
It is indicated for each property whether the owner must approve the reservation or whether the reservation is confirmed immediately after payment.
In the case of reservation approval by the owner, the owner must first confirm each reservation. Note that the owner has up to 48 hours for approval, so if you book the property at the last minute, the owner may not confirm the reservation in time.
In the case of card payment, the amount on your account is only blocked until the owner confirms that you can actually arrive on the required date (e.g. the owner needs to verify whether they will need the property for themselves). Only in case of reservation confirmation is the payment deducted from your account and you can be sure that you can arrive at the property on the required date. If the owner doesn't approve, the amount on your account is unblocked.
If you pay by bank transfer, you can wait for the owner to confirm the stay, but then you must send the payment immediately, otherwise the payment will not arrive on time and the stay will be automatically cancelled. Therefore, we recommend sending the payment immediately and if the owner doesn't confirm your reservation (this happens rarely), we will send you the money back. For better orientation, it is also indicated for properties requiring approval how many percent of reservations the owner has approved (and thus how well set the calendar is and how likely it is that they will approve your reservation) and also how long it usually takes for them to respond to your reservation request - so you can better decide whether it is appropriate to book this property at the last minute.
Conversely, the simpler situation is in the case of reservation confirmation immediately after payment. Here you can immediately be sure that you can come to the property, just select a free date in the calendar and make a payment.
+- What is the exact address and coordinates of the property?
In order to protect property owners from raids by people who don't want to pay and hope that no one will notice them on the property, we disclose the exact address, GPS coordinates and description of the access road only to persons seriously interested in camping who have already reserved their dates (and the owner has approved the reservation if required). Nevertheless, the owner can check the accommodated persons on the property. All necessary data are sent by email and can be seen in the traveller's profile immediately after the reservation is approved. As you probably know, as we're passionate travellers ourselves and we created the service, even for
our needs, we constantly invest a lot of energy and funds in the service. In order to operate, maintain and improve the quality of this service for you, the service is subject to a fee. We finance it partly from small commissions from your accommodation from the owner. Therefore, if our service was circumvented, i.e. by contacting the owners directly, it would not only be immoral, but it would also mean blocking the traveller's account or the owner's account. We therefore believe that you understand these reasons and, on the contrary, your reservation will contribute to the operation of this quality service, which we strive for and do it for you with love.
+- Will I be camping alone on the property?
It is indicated for each property what is the maximum number of spots / individual reservations. That is, how many tents, motorhomes and caravans can fit on the property together. If you book as many tents + vehicles + caravans as the capacity of the property, it means that you will be alone on the property on the selected date. On the contrary, if the capacity of the property is e.g. 4 spots and you book 1 tent and 1 caravan, it may happen that someone else reserves a place for the same date as you and will share the property with you. But it is quite likely that you will actually be alone on the property for most of the properties outside the popular days (e.g. holidays and long weekends).
However, if you want to be sure that you will be on the property really alone and no other traveller will unpack their tent or park at caravan on the property, you can use the exclusive reservation function - just press the 'We want to be alone on the property' button in the reservation details and then you will get a choice of dates in the calendar where no one is yet and which you can reserve just for yourself. However, this option is charged and depends on the size and capacity of the property - naturally, the larger the property you want to have just for yourself, the larger the fee. Note that the cancellation fee is higher in this case, namely 50%.
Please read the description of the property carefully. Some properties offer a separate awning or caravan which are indicated as a separate offer. These guests can still be with you on the property. Exclusive reservation applies only to places for camping. In addition, other guests and other people may be present on certain properties (e.g. farms).
+- Where are the owner's contact details?
If you still need additional information that is not listed in the property offer details, you can use the contact form available after pressing the "Ask!" button on the property details page. However, all important information is always given on the page in the property description. The entire reservation process is simple and intuitive, the system will handle all matters related to the processing of payment for the property and so it is not necessary to contact the owner about the interest in renting the property. Please note that cash payment on site and outside the reservation system is not possible (
more info here)! In order for the owner not to be overwhelmed every day by calls asking for basic information about the property, we will publish the contact details only after the reservation is completed (in case the guest has a problem e.g. with arriving at the place or an additional agreement is necessary).
+- How do I know if my date is available and how much will I pay?
In order to verify the availability of the date, it is not necessary to ask the owner, just select the date in the Arrival and Departure section of the property details page before making the reservation. Only dates that are available for reservation can be selected in the calendar, so you can see when you can arrive and how long you can stay there. The final price is then automatically calculated and immediately displayed based on what form of overnight stay you choose, how many people will be staying on the property and so on.
What do the red and green arrows in the calendar mean?
When selecting your arrival and departure dates in the calendar, you may sometimes see days highlighted in red or green. These days have a different rate for renting the property than that indicated for the property. In the case of red, the price is higher, e.g. if the owner raises the price during the period when guests are more interested in camping, e.g. around public holidays. Green colour means a lower price than stated for the property. The final rental price is always available after choosing the form of overnight stay, the number of people and the date of arrival and departure.
+- When is it possible to pay by bank transfer and how much time do I have to pay?
Your reservation must be properly paid and, if necessary, approved by the owner before arrival at the property. The easiest situation is with payment by credit card, when we have a confirmation from the bank that the payment has been made immediately after the payment. The situation is more complicated with a bank transfer as it can sometimes take up to 2 business days before the amount is credited to our account (i.e. it is certain that the payment has been made). For this reason, payment by bank transfer is only possible for reservations that start at the earliest on the 3rd business day following the moment of reservation.
Example: If your stay starts on Friday, you must make the reservation no later than 3 days in advance - that is, on Tuesday.
But don't delay the payment and make it as soon as possible - the payment must be credited to our account no later than the 2nd business day from the moment of making a reservation or no later than 6 PM on the day preceding the start of the stay (e.g. if you make the reservation on Friday, the payment must be received no later than the next Tuesday). If the payment is not credited on time according to these terms, the reservation is automatically cancelled and the blocked places are free for other interested people.
+- Why go to a place where there is no water?
If you travel only with a tent and there is no water supply on the property with an unlimited amount of water, this is naturally a complication because we are used to consuming tens of litres of perfectly clean, drinking water every day. However, if we can do without a morning shower for some time or replace it with a bath in the river, we can do with only 2–3 litres of water per person per day, which we can easily take with us for shorter stays and thus get the opportunity for an adventurous night in solitude in untouched nature. It's up to you how much of the comfort of civilization you are willing to give up and what adventure you will embark on. :-)
+- Can I have a party - a barbecue with friends on the property?
No, this is also stated in our
Code of Ethics - Code for Users. We understand that you want to have a good time and enjoy nature with your friends, but please understand that the whole service is built on the basis of absolute respect for tranquillity and nature. We all know that even a quiet conversation of a few friends can easily turn into a stormy and loud discussion (especially with the help of alcohol), which can be heard far and wide without the participants realizing it. Tranquillity is the basic gene - DNA - of We want to maintain the quality of the service for everyone. There may also be other users on the property who want to read a book during the day, sleep or relax in nature. And your activity (although you will try to be as considerate as possible) can annoy them. There are also the neighbours; even for them a visit of celebrating users can be a nuisance. You wouldn't like it if your neighbour had a party every day. Thank you for understanding this and enjoy the tranquillity and nature.
An exemption may be granted under certain circumstances:
1. You will inform the owner in advance about the intention to throw a party; see the function
2. The owner must agree to this (but must inform and have the consent of the neighbours)
3. You rent the property only for yourself (check in the reservation and pay) or there will be an individual price determined by the owner through the system
4. Despite this consent, however, the other provisions of the Code for Users (nature protection, etc.) and, of course, the laws and local regulations also apply.
Quietly grilling sausages over a fire is okay :-)
+- Can I agree directly with the owner to avoid the fee for using the service?
Circumvention isn't worth it
We invest a huge amount of time, effort and energy into the project and create a unique service for you thanks to which you can visit beautiful places, enjoy nature in peace, tranquillity and without crowds. Everyone who tries to circumvent our system actually tells us that they don't appreciate our work. We take circumvention attempts very personally.
Besides other things, our service brings you these benefits:
- beautiful properties for camping in nature in one place, which you would be hard and take long to find on the Internet and all sorts of Facebook groups
- a safe place to stay overnight - you have a place to yourself after making a reservation. It can't happen to you that you arrive there after a long journey and it will be full; your place is waiting for you. No more desperate search for a place to sleep in the middle of the night. No more nervous nights worrying that someone comes to throw you out
- tranquillity and peace - we actively prevent guests who make you flee from common campsites, guests who make noise and make a mess from using our services
- no crowds and assured tranquillity - we only allow a very limited number of people on each property, even though there could be many more people there.
- securing payments - you don't have to argue with the owner about the price, you know everything right away and clearly
- we're creating a large community of users, we're all in the same boat.
In the event of a circumvention of our service, we are forced to block the account of the guest (or owner) and thus prevent further use of the services in the future.
+- Dogs - rules of conduct
Do you want to take your dog or pet with you? Great! They will be grateful that you aren't taking them to a crowded and noisy camp.
(At the beginning, please check whether the owner of the property allows taking a dog or pet with you. If so, be sure to set the option of taking your dog with you when making your reservation).
As always, it is necessary to follow the usual rules of behaviour with a dog and especially take into account other users, especially if you have a large breed. In particular, please observe the following rules:
- even if the owner and the property allow the dog off leash, always keep an eye on it. You must always know about the dog and the dog must come when called. Note that the properties are often on a farm where there are other animals.
- we know this is a matter of course for you, but always clean up your dog's poop. Don't let the dog pee on the equipment on the property or on other users' caravans.
- be considerate of the other users. They don't know that your dog is the best dog in the world :) They don't know anything about your dog and a big dog running around their kids can stress them out. Ideally, go introduce the dog to them and if they don't have a problem with it and get acquainted with the dog, you can let your dog off the leash.
- if your dog doesn't like other company or other dogs, barks a lot or is a fighting breed, please reserve the whole property for yourself. Your dog must not restrain other users. It's necessary to respect other guests and they are unfortunately afraid of these dogs even though they're perfectly trained and good.
+- Where can I drain greywater and the chemical toilet?
If you drive a caravan or motorhome, you're probably solving the problem of where to empty wastewater or the chemical toilet. If the property doesn't explicitly state that it is possible to empty greywater (water after showering, washing dishes, etc.) or the chemical toilet, emptying both is strictly prohibited and it is necessary to use other waste disposal options outside the given property, e.g. greywater can be emptied into the sewer, chemical toilet into the toilet at a petrol station.
Note that it's possible to empty water outside the sewer or other wastewater drains (e.g. on compost) only if you use eco-friendly detergents (shampoos, washing-up liquids, etc.), so we recommend using only these in caravans and motorhomes. We personally use detergents purchased e.g. on (after selecting the most eco-friendly ones). The same applies to chemical toilets; we recommend using only the green chemical, which is more eco-friendly and, unlike with the blue chemical, it's possible to empty such a toilet into ordinary septic tanks and, if necessary, it's possible to dig a hole in a remote place, empty the toilet there and cover the contents without harming the environment.
+- How can we stay overnight?
To calculate the fair price for the use of property, it is necessary to correctly choose your method of overnight stay. There are many ways to spend the night and stay on the property, so it's not always quite clear which option of the 3 offered (tent, caravan, motorhome) to choose. Here we describe what options to choose in which situations:
- Select this form for each group consisting of a vehicle or motorcycle and a tent.
- The tent is expected to be of regular size for about 4 people. Please reserve more spots for larger tents. E.g. 2 tents for 8 people, etc.
- Please note that on some properties it may not be possible to park the vehicle by the tent. Please pay attention to the description and rules of the property.
- If you plan to sleep in a regular car (saloon, estate, SUV, etc.) and don't unpack the tent (or sleep in the open air, in a hammock, etc.), this form is also considered a 'tent'. Similarly, if you arrive at the property without a vehicle and you sleep in a tent or in the open, it is again a 'tent'.
- However, the exception is large cars such as the Transporter, Transit, etc., here it is necessary to choose 'motorhome' as the form of overnight stay. If you arrive at the place in the Transporter and choose 'motorhome' as the type of overnight stay, but the car isn't modified or intended for overnight stay, you can also put up one tent in the price of the motorhome without having to add it to the reservation.
Caravan / motorhome
- Include as many caravans as used in your group (don't count towing cars).
- Note that it's possible that it will be necessary to leave the towing car in a different place than where the caravan will be parked on some properties. However, this will be stated in the property description or in the rules.
- If there is a motorhome as a towing vehicle for any caravan, this vehicle (unlike cars) must be added to the reservation separately. Similarly, if you want to add a tent to your caravan, you also need to add it to your reservation.
- Please include as many motorhomes (or cars like a Transporter, Transit) as you would like to have in your group.
- If you choose the "motorhome" option for the Transporter without this car being designed or adapted for overnight stays, it is possible to set up one regular tent for this car (for about 4 people) without having to add the tent into the reservation.
Rooftop tent
- In case of sleeping in the rooftop tent on a regular car, choose the tent option. However, the exception is large cars such as a Transporter, Transit, etc., here it is necessary to choose 'motorhome' as the form of overnight stay.
- Note that on some properties it may not be possible to park the vehicle right by the tent, so the rooftop tent option can be considered another form of overnight stay. Please pay attention to the description and rules of the properties or agree individually with the owner using the 'Ask' function.
- If you sleep in a tent, follow the rules for tents
- If you sleep in the open, choose tent and the appropriate number of people when making the reservation. Maximum 4 people per tent. So if you are 6 people, choose 2 tents
Hammock / sleeping in the open
- Choose tent as the form of overnight stay for every 4 people. So if you are 10 people, choose 3 tents and 10 people or arrange individually with the owner using the 'Ask' function.
Sleeping in a cottage, tepee or other shelter located on the property
- Properties that offer such a special form of overnight stay should always indicate separately in the description how to choose the form of overnight stay, so read carefully the property description and the rules where everything will be explained.
+- What does the prohibition of circumvention mean?
We believe that most people are decent and we can proudly call them out the users, but unfortunately we also meet people trying to get round our system at all costs, just to save some money. These people damage both the whole concept of our service and other decent users. Although our service fee is very low and in some cases even symbolic, it is important to understand that it is only thanks to this fee that we can run and improve the service, which has already brought amazing experiences to thousands of you. So if you find someone who refuses to pay it, it's the same as shoplifting. We punish such activity severely. It is therefore prohibited to:
- agree with the owner directly, including payment for the stay in cash
- extend your stay at the place outside our system
- invite friends who don't have reservations
Such behaviour makes the operation of the service impossible and harms other users, as the entire service is based on absolute tranquillity and a limited number of groups on a property. People without reservations have nothing to do there.
Therefore, if we find out about the circumvention of the service (we have procedures for this), we will be forced to prevent the person concerned from further using this service (we can recognize the identity based on several data including phone numbers, email addresses, card or account numbers, IP addresses, etc., creating a new account won't help in this case). If the owner commits this activity, their offer on will also be suspended or cancelled.
Thank you for understanding this. The purpose of this text is not to frighten you, we are just trying to point out what is absolutely necessary for this service to work.
+- and COVID-19

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have been fully aware and are still aware of the risks, which is why we approach the whole issue very responsibly. Although our service is essentially "just" a sophisticated advertising platform, we ask all property owners and guests to consider the current situation and follow government regulations.
+- What is an (non)exclusive property?
The main idea of is about the possibility of escaping from the hustle and bustle to somewhere quiet. Most properties thus have strict restrictions on the maximum number of guests that can stay on the property in order to keep such tranquillity. You will always be alone on many properties. And if not, travelling to these properties is not anonymous and if someone violates the rules of, they are excluded from the service. Therefore, it is guaranteed that your neighbours will be, in the vast majority of cases, non-conflict oriented and friendly people who also seek tranquillity and nature.
Nevertheless, there are a lot of beautiful places that we have decided to include in the offer due to their uniqueness although they can't meet the condition of a limited number of groups and guests are anonymous (and so we can't guarantee the quality of the properties). Each such property is clearly marked and if you aren't interested in such properties, just ignore them. For other travellers, this can be a nice extension of the offer with interesting places. Even in these places there is a possibility of rating the properties, so carefully read the ratings from other users to know what to expect from such property and whether it's suitable for you. In the case of many negative ratings, we will remove such properties from the offer.
exclusive property
This property offers its entire capacity only on, it can't happen that there would be more guests on the property than the indicated capacity of the property. All guests must agree to the Terms and Conditions and the Code of Ethics. For these properties, we carefully monitor the quality, whether the presented property offer corresponds to reality, compliance with the rules, tranquillity and order. We will exclude problem guests or owners from the system in the event of repeated violations of the rules.
non-exclusive property
These properties offer part of its capacity outside the system, so other guests didn't have to agree to strict rules and the Code for Users. If you can see the capacity of the property, the owner is still obliged to adhere to that capacity. You can be sure that there won't be more vehicles or groups on site than presented. This typically means parking at the guesthouse where the owner reserved parking spaces for a few vehicles. Here, too, you can be sure of a limited number of guests and vehicles on the property.
non-exclusive property - stellplatz
A stellplatz is another type of property where the owner offers part of the capacity through the system. Here we don't specify the capacity of the property, it is usually a larger amount, typically 'if it fits it camps'. We offer these properties on even though it goes partly against the philosophy, i.e. tranquillity, solitude, privacy and escape to nature. However, as, we would like to provide all caravanners with a 'full service' in one place - that is, you can easily reserve your place on the stellplatz where you can service your car or meet multiple friends at once, which is sometimes not possible on the properties, also due to capacity.
+- What to do if fellow users are noisy or violate the rules?
As you know, we strive to ensure that the service is sustainable in the long term, doesn't create space for conflicts with municipalities and the coexistence of users with each other and with neighbours around the property is trouble-free. This can only be achieved by observing the rules with which every user must agree to rent the property, especially those written in the
Code for Users. Although violations of these rules can also lead to exclusion from the service, unfortunately, sometimes there are people who interpret the rules in their own way or forget about them. Such people do not belong at and we are sorry if you're the one to meet them. What to do if you encounter them?
The basis of proper interpersonal relationships is sufficient communication. What some may consider to be a perfectly fine behaviour, others may see differently - everyone has a different limit and it's difficult to objectively determine it, but the impression of tranquillity on the property can be spoiled by just one noisy conversation. First of all, try to have a decent conversation with other users about whether it would be possible to reduce noise (or other violations of the rules) and thus comply with the rules with which they had to agree to rent the property. We understand that confronting strangers may not always be pleasant, but if the response to a decent behaviour is not decent enough, it's a sign that such people have nothing to do at and your complaint is justified. For decency is an essential quality of the user.
If there is no way to talk with problem people on the property (this is especially true if they're having a party with a lot of alcohol), you can try to contact the property owner to see if they will help you. As the owner of the property, they have the right to expel guests who violate the rules, even under threat of calling the police.
If your stay on the property with the disturbers is unbearable and the problem can't be resolved, we will refund you for your stay. Subsequently, we will try to make sure that these people can no longer use For these purposes, it is good to note any details to help us identify such group. You can look at the page with information about your trip to know who is on the property with you and try to guess who they are.
We created to allow people to travel to find tranquillity, peace, away from noisy, crowded campsites. So we want to make sure that this is exactly what the guests will find on the property. On the other hand, we don't want this effort to become a witch hunt and create an atmosphere of fear that someone might not like your activities. Therefore, try to approach everything "with reason" and not to look for violations of the rules behind every activity; also if you have the impression that some of your activities may be annoying, ask your neighbours if they are okay with it.
+- Don't want to cancel the reservation, but just change the date?
Changing the date of reservation is possible only with the consent of the property owner. Always contact the owner first and if they agree, they will
contact us and we will adjust the date in the system. Don't get angry if the owner doesn't agree to the change, when you request a change at the last minute (this drastically reduces the owner's ability to find a replacement for you and the owner thus loses potential profit).
+- How to fill in the plate number?
If you don't know the plate number, fill in this box as follows:
To be added later
rental car
If you don't come in a car, please indicate the method of arrival.
+- How to set up more spots on the property?
The maximum capacity of the property is 5, an exception may be granted in justified cases. In order to increase the number of spots on the property in special cases, it is necessary to send a request to
+- How are the results sorted on the property map?
When entering the map page, the properties are sorted according to a complex calculation including the current property popularity (the number of reservations in recent weeks), the rating, the age of the property, the number of vacancies in the following month, the cooperation mode and the element of chance so that even less known properties can be seen. The sorting can then be changed to one of the following options:
By price
If you select the number of people and the form of overnight stay, you have the option to sort the properties from the cheapest
By rating
Sort by rating by real visitors. It also includes the factor of the number of ratings, so the property with a slightly lower rating may be higher if it has more ratings and higher information value
Sorting by the moment of registration of the property (not the actual launch of the property with an offer for those interested)
Properties that have the most reservations in the last two weeks
Sorting by number of times registered users have added individual properties among their favourites
+- How to rate a property?
Each time the property rental ends, the renter will receive a short questionnaire by email in which they will fill in how they liked the property and whether the property was as presented in the catalogue. Renters have 14 days to complete the questionnaire or attach photos of the property. The ratings listed here are from actual renters who visited the property.
+- Property (place) categories property
The original properties with which our service began. Wild camping with the consent of the property owner that is provided exclusively by us. The stress of someone knocking on your window won’t wake you up anymore, nor will you be disturbed by the annoying music and noise of campsites. But this doesn’t apply to roosters. You’ll visit unique places not otherwise accessible – secret places in the middle of vineyards, farms, beautiful private gardens, quarries, lakes and ponds. You’ll visit places that the owners have built and cultivated all their lives and they’ll allow you to see and relax in their little slice of heaven.
Shelters and cabins
Beautiful cabins, shelters, huts, cottages, teepees or construction trailers, often outside of civilization, in nature, without electricity, where you experience adventure and relax. Don’t expect any cabins in a community garden, but places that have their charms and genius loci, we carefully choose each place. It also includes unusual places such as former drying rooms, sleeping above a bee hive or in a hay shed, Mongolian yurts, sleeping in the middle of vineyards or on farms.
‘Stellplatz’ is originally a German term usually referring to a place intended for parking motorhomes or caravans. It’s possible to stay overnight and perform basic caravan maintenance there - empty the toilet and greywater, replenish clean and drinking water for other trips, recharge batteries or throw away municipal waste. Stellplatz doesn’t necessarily mean an ordinary car park and is often a nice place on grassy land (almost like an ordinary campsite) reserved only for motorhomes or caravans and unlike an ordinary car park, you can spend your time there.
The harmony of staying in nature combined with the comfort of a made bed and the smell of freshly brewed coffee. That’s glamping - glamourous camping. Some consider it overpriced kitsch, others the best way to enjoy a stay in nature to the fullest. Stay in yurts, cozy teepees, safari tents or luxury cabins and relax in a sauna or whirlpool bath in the evening.
Yes, that’s right. There really are campsites that are worth visiting. We travelled the country and finally found them. Small quiet family campsites where peace and quiet are required, quiet hours are strictly observed, and there are a small number of spots compared to a regular campsite.