Bezkempu s.r.o. was established as an idea of its founders, Michal Strnad and brothers Pavel and Petr Nohejl. We all have extensive experience with the and projects at Lemicom s.r.o., which has been operating since 2006. Thanks to our experience in technology, marketing, logistics and, above all, our common interest – travel, we were able to create this project, which is not only our work but also our hobby. We’re a group full of innovative ideas and we also have a great background for growth and expansion thanks to other long-term active projects.

Contact details

The service is operated by:
Bezkempu s.r.o.
Company ID: 07213557
Tax ID: CZ07213557
Ve žlíbku 1800/77
Horní Počernice
193 00 Prague 9
Czech Republic
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