Army Kemp bezKempu #2078

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6.91 €

6.91 €

3.25 €

2.44 €

0 €

rented by:
UPDATE - OPERATION DISCONTINUED due to reconstruction of buildings on the premises! The property is now WITHOUT ELECTRICITY AND WATER, so limited access is only for RVs. Please note: construction work is underway on the site!

Camping in the Army Park in Slavičín - it is a former military barracks outside the city centre. The area is fenced and provides privacy. There is about 3000 m2 of grassy area for tents and about 1000 m2 of fixed area for caravans. Available almost all year round.
Access to the site for motorhomes from both directions, for cars with trailers we recommend coming from the direction of Valašské Klobouk (less steep entrance).
There are sanitary facilities (no shower), drinking water, electric connection, possibility of gray water.
The area is located in the beautiful nature of the White Carpathians, suitable for hiking and cycling.
Near the train stop Divnice and the cycle path to Slavičín.
Tourist destinations:
Slavičín - town, swimming pool, Pivečkův lesopark, local brewery
Valašské Klobouky (14 km), Luhačovice (13 km), Luhačovice dam
Brumov Castle (15 km)
Horní Lideč - crib (20 km)
Devil's Rocks - Lidečko (25 km)
Žítková (21 km)

basic parameters
Free access to the property What does it mean?
The property owner must confirm the reservation. What does it mean?
There is enough space for 5 individual reservation on the property. What does it mean?
You will receive the exact location after you complete the reservation, indicative map is below. Why?
The property owner contact information will be provided after the reservation. Why?
toilet - It is located in a building that is open around the clock. It is piped to the local sewer system and can also discharge from caravans.
drinking water - It is located in a building that is open around the clock.
electricity - It is located in a building that is open around the clock.
campfire ring
Wastewater disposal
Chemical toilet - can be poured into the toilet
Access to the property may be a problem in winter
Access to the property may be difficult in rainy weather


Nightingale Pond


Devil's Rocks, Pulčín Rocks, Lačnov Rocks

water sports

Municipal swimming pool Slavičín

activities for kids

playgrounds in Slavičín, Piveček Forest Park


Numerous hiking trails in the beautiful nature of the White Carpathians

roller skating

Stable Lipina

Other activities

There are potentially hazardous areas on the property (roofs with freely accessible ladders etc.), the accommodation provider asks guests to take care of their own safety and health and not to move in these hazardous areas. The accommodation provider is not responsible for any damage to health caused to the accommodation provider's own body during activities not related to normal camping.

Arrival from: 13:00
Departure until: 12:00
Can I come anytime?

campfire allowed
own grill allowed
parties and noise prohibited, please keep quiet also during the day More info
payment in cash and outside the reservation system is not possible More info
Ratings by guests
Where do the property ratings come from?

What the guests say about the property:
To experience
Dog paradise
2.8 - 10.8.2024 Jiří říká:
The area is spacious, definitely not deserted, but in the evening it is absolutely quiet. The building on the left is being rebuilt, so it's busy from 7am onwards. Hopefully to the benefit of future camping. Hence no water leaks. Unfortunately, the campsite hasn't been mowed long enough, so there aren't many options for a tent. But I managed. I kind of misunderstood what the military museum was all about:) a few rusty shakes... But overall satisfaction. I refilled water and beer in the Krmelec kiosk near the sokolovna in Slavičín.
17.7 - 18.7.2024 Kateřina říká:
Our first Bezkempu. Very interesting place, everything in order, thank you! Could use some logs to sit around the fire pit.
21.6 - 22.6.2024 Lucie říká:
We stayed one night with my son, level and well maintained grounds. Plenty of space, toilet in the building, drinking water. Although close to the road it is quiet. As a bonus for my son there were army vehicles parked and an area for firefighter training where he ran around.
28.6 - 30.6.2024 Jiří říká:
Accommodation for the duration of the festival in Slavičín was fully satisfactory for us.
10.6 - 11.6.2024 Tomáš říká:
I stayed one night and continued north, when I arrived there was a martial arts class going on in a building. It's a good place for military and technically inclined individuals to visit. I appreciate the presence of a toilet.
My trip
I will stay in: (What should I select in my case?)

Number of persons:
>12 years
4–2 years
0–3 years

Arrival - Departure

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