Camping around the vineyard house #2900

machine translated show original

8.13 €

12.2 €

4.07 €

4.07 €

2.03 €

rented by:
Michal V.
Camping in the vicinity of the former vineyard house situated in the middle of the Thunovka vineyard track, which a group of enthusiasts decided to renovate and dedicate to charitable community activities and at the same time partially restore its original mission. The surroundings of the house and the house itself are therefore becoming nicer and nicer as the work progresses.By your visit you will help this project, as all profits will be used only to buy materials - and there is a need for them! - you have nails, paper nails, medium nails, cement, gutters, lime, coarse sand, fine sand, bricks, planed wood, unplaned wood, laths, tiles... If you're lucky, you'll come across a local hermit, who has taken up natural winemaking as a hobby and with whom you can discuss (not only) local winemaking, or get more or less representative samples. It is also possible, after a short persuasion, to visit the private photo gallery, which will be set up in a few moments just for you! Of course, it is also possible to spend your stay here undisturbed.The access and entrance to the property is rather only for built-ups and cars (branches along the road and curves could make long assemblies uncomfortable).Drinking water can be drawn from the garden hose by agreement.
basic parameters
Free access to the property What does it mean?
The property owner must confirm the reservation. What does it mean?
There is enough space for 2 individual reservation on the property. What does it mean?
You will receive the exact location after you complete the reservation, indicative map is below. Why?
The property owner contact information will be provided after the reservation. Why?

Discounts when staying more days:

3 - 4 nights: 10%

5 - 9 nights: 20%

10 and more nights: 30%

toilet - Dry toilet separate.
drinking water - Garden hoses
electricity - 220 at a distance of 10 to 20 metres.
shower / washroom - Can be used by agreement in the vineyard house
picnic table
campfire ring
Wastewater disposal
Greywater (shower, washing) - By agreement, it is possible to pour on the land (only in case of using eco-means)
Chemical toilet - After agreement can be emptied chemical toilet with green chemistry.
Access to the property may be a problem in winter
The property is easy to access even in bad weather

Exit off the tarmac road, followed by a panel and gravel drive before entering the grassed area.

Restriction of the access road

We recommend entry for smaller cars only. Large cars and long rigs could be scratched or damaged by tree branches. Built-in cars and cars without problems.

activities for kids
roller skating

Arrival from: 14:00
Departure until: 12:00
Can I come anytime?

campfire allowed
own grill allowed
parties and noise prohibited, please keep quiet also during the day More info
payment in cash and outside the reservation system is not possible More info
Ratings by guests
Where do the property ratings come from?

4.9 - 5.9.2024 Jitka říká:
Well prepared, alectric, water accessible. Only at night, for those who sleep badly at night: every 20 minutes the gates ding and a train passes.
Owner's reaction Milé bezkempařky a milí bezkempaři,
vlaková trať je opravdu asi sto až sto padesát metrů od našeho místa (podle postavení stanu), což je patrné i z mapy. Je částečně odcloněná vinicí a další zelení, ale skutečně je slyšet zvukové znamení přejezdu a někdy i ty starší projíždějící vozy. Budete muset mít ale velikou smůlu, aby vlaky jezdily tak často. Když večer přestanou jezdit osobáky, projede za noc většinou jen pár vlaků nákladních.
Ještě malé upřesnění k vodě. Užitková je k dispozici volně a kdykoliv. Pitná také, ale jen po domluvě.
Přejeme hezké zážitky u nás i v jiných bezkempech.
19.8 - 20.8.2023 Lucie říká:
Unfortunately, the only plus is the view of the vineyards. When we arrived, we were approached by a neighbor who didn't understand what we were doing there, he didn't know about any place without a camp, so we didn't feel good at all. There is a family living in the vineyard house who didn't communicate much. We never met the owner. We didn't dare use the dry toilet. There were a lot of mosquitoes in the evening and morning. A lot of noise from the road and especially from the train, which runs quite often here (even at night). We were only here for the night, so it was bearable.
Owner's reaction Dobrý den,
skutečně se nám nikomu nepodařilo se nám s Vámi potkat i nám je to líto. Zvlášť v této situaci. Stačilo nám kdykoliv zavolat. Třeba při peshodě se sousedem. Mohli jsme si některé věci vysvětlit. Také jsme vám, jako jiným rodinám, mohli nabídnout naše domácí autentické víno z vinice. Za neinformované sousedy vskutku nemůžeme, to asi pochopíte. Nevěděli jsme, že je naší povinností všechny obejít a sdělovat jim pozemek v Bezkempu. Spíš se nabízí otázka, co dělal on na našem (a vám řádně pronajatém) pozemku. Suchý záchod je rok starý, úplně v pořádku, bytelný, nedávno vybraný, zavíratelný zvenku i zevnitř. Děkujeme za dobrý nápad jej pro hosty nafotit, ať předem vědí. Rodina opravdu těžko komunikuje, a to i s námi. Jedná o přátele z Ukrajiny, kteří o vše přišli a jsou u nás jen krátce a mají ještě velkou jazykovou bariéru. Kdybyste věděli někdo o kurzech češtiny, budeme vděční. Nyní už všechny kursy opadly. S hlukem nic nenaděláme, mohu k tomu uvést jen to, že si na něj nikdo z hostů doposud nestěžoval. A komárům se pokusíme "domluvit". Je nám líto, že jste se neměli tak dobře jako mnozí jiní. Uděláme co bude v našich silách, abychom vylepšili, co v našich možnostech vylepšit lze.
18.8 - 19.8.2023 Svetlana říká:
Quiet place in Melnik , ideal for visiting the city and its surroundings. Contact with the owner only by sms, we did not need anything. Although the proximity of the track and road but you are hidden behind vegetation. Caddy and space. We didn't need anything more, that's the original meaning of camping.
2.7 - 3.7.2023 Michal říká:
Despite the fact that the place is located near the railway line and the road, it is quiet and has a nice view of the vineyards. Mr. Michal, who took care of us, clearly has a warm relationship with the place and his enthusiasm is evident. And we had the opportunity to taste a very good Müller T. from the local production. We would love to return.
25.6 - 26.6.2023 Anežka říká:
A beautiful poetic place overlooking small vineyards and trains. Perfect for us.
My trip
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Number of persons:
>12 years
4–2 years
0–3 years

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