Bon Repos in Bokouš

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10.17 €

4.07 €

2.03 €
The campsite is located in a meadow with an apple orchard in a valley surrounded by forests. In the valley with a very interesting local history stands a listed cottage, a chapel and is surrounded on the south side by a stream. Caution - you must always call out that you are driving, as the sat navs here show the wrong way and take you the other way - so you will not find the land without help!
basic parameters
Free access to the property What does it mean?
The property owner must confirm the reservation. What does it mean?
100% reservations confirmed recently. The average response time is 4 minutes.
There is enough space for 3 individual reservation on the property. What does it mean?
You will receive the exact location after you complete the reservation, indicative map is below. Why?
The property owner contact information will be provided after the reservation. Why?
toilet - Kadibouda :)
drinking water - A source of drinking water can either be arranged with the campground manager at the cottage - then it is possible to fill the water with a hose, or there are natural water sources available in the protected water zone near the campground.
electricity - It is possible - by prior arrangement - to pull an extension cord from the cottage, or it is common practice to have your phones recharged directly in the cottage.
picnic table
campfire ring
Access to the property may be a problem in winter
Access to the property may be difficult in rainy weather


There are many cycling trails and routes and attractive destinations and attractions in the area.


Hiking in the surroundings offers beautiful views, hidden valleys full of well-preserved buildings of folk architecture, Kuks and Braun's crib are easily accessible.


If you ride them, you can ride them :). Just beware, there is a mini-horse in the area, so the horses must be under control.


Bon Repos means a good rest and we have prepared it for you :). Count František Antonín Špork was already looking for a good rest in this place, and that is why we have named the campsite so. The site is located in the bosom of nature, so we expect you not to disturb the peace of the locals, both domestic and wild, and to take your rubbish away. There are 2 goats and a mini pony grazing on the land, the animals are very friendly, feel free to pet them, just be careful with smaller children so that the animals don't beat them up etc. On the other hand, you don't have to worry about the animals, they are always secure and if you don't approach them in they won't approach you :). The campsite is located in a private area, even possible passers-by won't know about you. The nearest place to park is about 20 metres from the campsite. If you are interested in pulling an extension cord, please communicate well in advance so we are prepared, just as if you wish to provide firewood. Lastly, the important stuff - the site is poorly navigated and it is difficult to find the site yourself, so please call ahead and I will either take you to the site or navigate you by phone.

Arrival from: 13:00
Departure until: 12:00
Can I come anytime?

campfire allowed
Be extremely cautios when starting a fire as there is a risk of fire due to long-term drought! Use only designated areas and remove all combustible materials from the reach of fire. Do not start a fire in windy weather. Please consult with the property owner, there may be a temporary fire ban in the area.
own grill allowed
parties and noise prohibited, please keep quiet also during the day More info
payment in cash and outside the reservation system is not possible More info
Ratings by guests
Where do the property ratings come from?

What the guests say about the property:
15.8 - 17.8.2024 Zdeněk říká:
Land in the middle of the forest, in a beautiful location. Unfortunately, at that price it was not given, I found out that it was being torn up by wild pigs only after the payment, when I called the owner that we would come. We were offered another place, but we didn't take advantage of it. I was rather puzzled that the land was covered with tall grass, the fire pit including the seating area was overgrown, the access road was all thistles and nettles, so we spent our time picking the thistles off our clothes after walking through. We are not demanding, but given the higher price for a tent and person, I would have expected a little better care of the land to which I invite visitors. The peace was a little disturbed by a nearby children's camp, but it was no big deal, there is a nice renovated chapel nearby and a well with really excellent refreshing water. In the offer, the owner writes that you can use the chapel, but before you get there through the thistles and nettles, you will lose your appetite. Otherwise, we enjoyed our accommodation by the fire under a sky full of stars ;)
7.8 - 9.8.2024 Katerina říká:
The place is very nice, but unfortunately the meadow was ploughed by wild boars, so we camped by the cottage. The fire was too far away. It was made up for by the great helpfulness of the owner. Children liked the well with drinking water and the chapel with games for rent. And the whole place is very empty, except for the nearby camping area.
11.8 - 12.8.2023 Honza říká:
Beautiful, quiet place. The inhabitants of the adjacent cottage are very nice. The nearby well with a chapel and large table are a nice bonus.
5.7 - 7.7.2023 Jan
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>12 years
4–2 years
0–3 years

Rules for stays with dogs

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