Tee-pee at the horse ranch #4830

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Spot 1 | Spot 2

40.64 €

3.25 €

2.44 €

rented by:
Romance in a quiet location away from the hustle and bustle of the village in the immediate vicinity of the horse pasture. Rubber tiles on the floor for comfort, osb boards on the floor. On the floor piece carpet. By arrangement, it is possible to rent about 3-4 mattresses. Otherwise it is ideal (if you do not want to sleep only on the carpet) to have your own mattresses. It is also necessary to have your own sleeping bags. Tee-pee has a diameter of 5,5m. In the case of mattresses ideal for 4 people. 6 people can definitely fit on the mattresses.Please note: there is also a no-camping option with your own tents or caravans on the same property (#4361). It is therefore necessary to take into account the possible presence of other guests. However, the plot is large enough.
basic parameters
Free access to the property What does it mean?
The property owner must confirm the reservation. What does it mean?
The property is designated for 1 reservation. What does it mean?
You will receive the exact location after you complete the reservation, indicative map is below. Why?
The property owner contact information will be provided after the reservation. Why?
toilet - In a saloon 30 meters from the tee-pee.
drinking water - In the saloon 30m from the tee-pee (outdoor tap and indoor washroom).
electricity - Connection in place at the tee-pee.
shower / washroom - Shower in the saloon, 30m from the tee-pee.
picnic table
campfire ring
the property isn't suitable for a winter stay
Wastewater disposal
Greywater (shower, washing) - On the driveway we have a drainage channel leading to the sewer, over which it is possible to drive a car and drain the grey water, or manually from the container.
Chemical toilet - Chemical toilet can be poured in the saloon into the toilet, or also into the drainage channel on the road.
Access to the property may be a problem in winter
Access to the property may be difficult in rainy weather

The land is flat, easily passable most of the year. Only during heavy rains the meadow is softer and a heavy car could have a problem. But when camping, it is still ideal to leave the car on the gravel paved road in front of the meadow.

Restriction of the access road

8-meter road, no access restrictions


Suitable terrain and paths for cycling.


On the river Berounka (10km), pond Svárov (1km).

water sports

Aquaparks within 10km (Kladno, Beroun, Prague). It is also possible to swim in the pond in the village of Chýně (3km) or in the river Berounka (up to 10km).

activities for kids

On the property there is a playground for children, possibility of horse riding, mini zoo Chyňava- Statek u Merlina (6,5km), Zoopark Zájezd (14km), bears in Beroun (10km), Adventure golf Horní Bezděkov (6,5km), Solvayovy quarries, Karlštejn, lots of activities in the adjacent towns (Prague - e.g. ZOO, jump arena, aquapark, etc. Kladno, Beroun).


Beautiful walks in the surrounding forests and field paths - nature trails.

roller skating

Nearby is a circuit suitable and used for roller skating or cycling with children, further along the Berounka River (10km).


Possibility of riding a horse - riding (beginners we lead the horse, advanced horses can ride on their own), or training or half-day western program for families, couples, groups directly at our ranch. Also the possibility of organizing a children's birthday party with a program.

Other activities

Donkey trail-Svárov (3km), Castle and tavern Červený Újezd - museum of Czech countryside with open-air museum (2km), bowling Jeneč (3km), Restaurant: Srub Podkozí (2km), Sokolovna Červený Ujezd (2km), Rudná -Full belly, Obzor (5km).


Earlier arrival can be arranged by phone.

Arrival from: 13:00
Departure until: 12:00
Can I come anytime?

campfire allowed
own grill allowed
parties and noise prohibited, please keep quiet also during the day More info
payment in cash and outside the Campu.eu reservation system is not possible More info
Ratings by guests
Where do the property ratings come from?

What the guests say about the property:
To experience
23.6 - 25.6.2024 Martina říká:
We leave with conflicting feelings. The teepee is certainly worth praising, as it had mattresses ready, was spacious and kept the temperature well. So a nice experience for us and for the kids. Another plus is the facilities with toilet and the possibility to use the shower. Unfortunately we had to share the facilities with tables with the children's party on the first day, as the owners also rent the facilities for these events. We did go on a trip, but it was unpleasant. You are also deprived of privacy by the houses that are right around the property and also by the horse owners who come around the property to care for the horses, but also sit in the gazebo. The grill that the property promises was not available. And even though the lot is offered for 2 groups, we ended up having 3 groups on the property (luckily we were lucky enough to have nice fellow campers and worked things out). The lot is big enough, but if you want to go to the power pole, the owners will put you all in one corner.
9.8 - 10.8.2023 Iveta říká:
Wonderful místo❤️ . A great place to find peace of mind... The owners are great people.I can only recommend.
22.7 - 23.7.2023 Matěj říká:
Beautiful quiet place. Owners pleasant, kind and helpful. I can only recommend this place.
8.7 - 9.7.2023 Dmitry říká:
Do you want to enjoy time with your family, prepare food on the fire, spend the night in the teepee and look at the stars next to the fire pit? Well, that's not your option. We looked forward to it, arriving as two families, six children and three adults in total. I try to take advantage of every opportunity like this so that my kids can have similar great experiences in the outdoors as I did in my childhood. However, a few incomprehensible conditions led to us being let down. When it was hot outside during the day ( 30) it was impossible to find any shade as we were not allowed in the lounge and the beautiful terrace had no shelter except for a few hanging blankets. The teepee of course was even worse than outside during the day. Then closer to evening when the sun was no longer at its zenith, it was possible to sit by the fire in the shade from the only tree. As for the stars by the fire, at 10pm when all the children were asleep in the teepee and the awning, the owners came and put out the fire with two canvasses saying approximately "we have to put it out to make sure you don't break the night's peace". So it was weird and also not romantic. But what was terribly disappointing is when I was gathering up in the morning to prepare breakfast and tea for the whole family, the owners came running in and said that it was not possible to light a fire, that it was banned in the whole county. Which I understand. They said if they'd known, they'd have banned fires earlier. I understand. But if there is a ban on bonfires, which is a basic thing, I see it as there should be some sort of discounts for guests, or relaxed conditions, or at least humane behavior. The icing on the cake was their dog running around unattended, trying to eat some of our garbage and eventually peeing under the dining table. The way I see it, we're not paying for a nice teepee or a nice view, but for the overall experience of a trip with kids. And if the experience wasn't nice, I can't recommend it to other people. I apologize for my bad English.
Owner's reaction Dobrý den, děkujeme za recenzi, rádi bychom na ni zareagovali, uvedli některé věci na pravou míru a doplnili, co jste zapomněl zmínit. Příjezd Vám byl bez řečí umožněn o hodinu dříve, než je v podmínkách. Možnost rozdělání ohně u nás jste měli a také jste ji řádně využili, když jste ho rozdělali hned po příjezdu a udržovali za stálého přikládání a spotřebování téměř veškerého dřeva určeného i pro další návštěvy, téměř 11hodin. Tj. přesně od pravého poledne do 22,45h. V tuto dobu jsme vás přišli slušně požádat o ukončení zpěvů a hluku u ohně a jeho uhašení. Důvodem, který jsme vám srozumitelně vysvětlili, byla nejen ze zpráv získaná informace o zákazu rozdělávání ohně s ohledem na horka, ale také obava z případného samovznícení čehokoli poblíž (seno, sláma, dřevěné stavby, atp.) v době našeho spánku. A ten jsme si, věřte, po celém dni fyzické práce už opravdu ve 23h., zasloužili.
Stínu je na pozemku opravdu málo (stále se buduje a stromy sází, ale nic není přes noc), ale člověk má možnost jít do lesa (100m od pozemku) nebo jet k nedaleké vodě (viz.nabídka- možnosti).
Vstup do saloonu Vám byl umožněn nepřetržitě (při příjezdu jste dostali kód k odemčení) pro možnost využití wc či sprchy, kterou jste využívali večer i ráno bez omezení. Pouze jste byli upozorněni, že je saloon (nejen pro své nevelké rozměry) primárně určen jako zázemí pro majitele zde ustájených koní a zákazníky, kteří u nás absolvují westernový program. Takže nepřipadá v úvahu brát zde uložené osobní věci, prohrabávat se jimi a odnášet je ven, jakož jste to dělali a kvůli čemuž jsme vás o tomto informovali.
Celou dobu pobytu, aniž bychom vám to vytkli, jsme tolerovali, že jste nerespektovali prostor určený ke kempování (na něm jste se v podstatě během dne nezdržovali) a bez zeptání a zaváhání využívali celou naši zahradu. Váš pes běhal taktéž po celém areálu včetně naší zahrady (s vyjímkou, když jste ho drželi v náruči) i pastviny s koňmi, kam jste si ho bez našeho vědomí neváhali jít lovit.
Co se týče našeho psa, je vychovaný a poslušný a má plné právo se pohybovat na našem pozemku. Z talířů ví moc dobře, že jíst nesmí a také to nedělá, 90% času se drží u nohy a pokud čuchal k vámi pohozeným odpadkům, nevím, co k tomu říci.
Ráno, když jste se i přes večerní vysvětlení zákazu ohňů, začali opět oheň rozdělávat, jsme vám místo toho nabídli variantu uvaření neomezeného množství vody a také několik konvic vody v naší kuchyni uvařili bez jakýchkoli řečí či poplatku a dokonce i bez vaší prosby či poděkování. Mohla bych pokračovat neohlášenými rozbitými hračkami v domečku pro děti, které jsme po vašem odjezdu našli. Ale chápu, že tyto věci již nezmiňujete.
Zkráceně závěrem: trochu nám připadalo, že jste si „lidskou“ službu Bezkempu spletli s agenturou „ Vem si a použij co najdeš, dělěj si co chceš a neber ohledy“. Krásný den.
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