At the Adriatic Fiancée in Croatia

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24.22 €

24.22 €

22.2 €

2.02 €

2.02 €
If you're looking for the perfect starting point for exploring Dubrovnik and its surroundings, then you've come to the right place! We're not right by the sea (you'll have to drive about 10 minutes to get there), but we know a lot about the sea and the wider area and we'll be happy to direct you. You will have at your disposal our backyard, which is shaded by vine leaves, drinking water, electricity, facilities for children (sandpit, chalk, dolls, piles of legos and above all our sociable children, who your kids will love to join the party). If you need it, you can use our washing machine. Don't expect seaside romance, but rather an authentic Balkan village and meeting a local family who speak Czech. And why the Adriatic Fiancée - I'm a writer, and when I got married in Croatia a few years ago, there was such a dose of inspiration that it just had to come out somewhere - a humorous book trilogy about the Adriatic Fiancée and a great photo guide to Croatia was born. My husband is a local fisherman, accordion player and tourist boat captain - he speaks really good Czech and will be happy to tell you how it's done here over a glass of homemade red. We have experience sleeping in the car ourselves ( the way, as part of the photo guide we went on several long trips across Croatia in our VW T5) - and we searched in vain for a place like ours. So, if you're after quality local information, insider tips, the chance to let the kids out for a while and maybe one of my autographed books, don't hesitate.
basic parameters
Free access to the property What does it mean?
The property owner must confirm the reservation. What does it mean?
100% reservations confirmed recently. The average response time is 31 minutes.
There is enough space for 2 individual reservation on the property. What does it mean?
You will receive the exact location after you complete the reservation, indicative map is below. Why?
The property owner contact information will be provided after the reservation. Why?
Moderate cancellation policy What does it mean?
there is no toilet on the property. Please comply with the rules!
drinking water - Garden hose, right next to the parking space
electricity - extension cable
picnic table
Wastewater disposal
Chemical toilet - by agreement on the spot
Access to the property may be a problem in winter
Access to the property may be difficult in rainy weather

Restriction of the access road

Height of the pergola 4 m.

water sports

Within 15 minutes from us you can reach the beautiful beaches of the Dubrovnik County area

activities for kids

We have a fenced area where even very young children can play, and there is a playground just a short walk away.


Arrival from: 13:00
Departure until: 12:00
Can I come anytime?

campfire not allowed
own grill allowed
parties and noise prohibited, please keep quiet also during the day More info
payment in cash and outside the reservation system is not possible More info
Ratings by guests
Where do the property ratings come from?

What the guests say about the property:
For families
With a view
20.8 - 23.8.2024 Táňa říká:
Thanks to the possibility of pitching a tent in the village garden, we escaped the unpleasantly crowded coastline and thoroughly enjoyed our three-day stay in the Dubrovnik area. Mrs Blanka is a very nice and pleasant hostess, we really appreciated her advice on where to go swimming, where to shop, where to park and what to avoid. It was also interesting to hear about the conditions and life in the very south of Croatia. We had a whole back garden of the wild type, a tap with drinking water and a hose for showering, an emergency portable toilet, a tree with ripe figs and a large table and chairs under the pergola next to the house. Our younger kids really appreciated the sandbox, the pile of Legos and other toys, and especially the opportunity to play with the house kids.
If we were to travel to this destination again in the future, we would definitely love to repeat our stay.
12.8 - 13.8.2024 Jaroslav říká:
Although I promised not to comment, people might know our opinion. What may be sunny to some may not be to others. For 450Kč (now 550Kč a person 50Kč for a tent, staying near Dubrovnik may be fine for some,but we are not of that opinion. Location: small village above the highway, place: in front of the house next to the garage by the road, in front of a pile of I don't know what. We had everything of our own and a bag toilet, we hitchhike, have our own electricity and shower. So really we just need a nice place. No privacy, my wife managed the shower, not the toilet. Probably fine with the caravan, but to perform the necessities in a shower tent that stands about 4m from the seating area where the French neighbours from the caravan next door are currently having fun is for hardier individuals. Unfortunately, the Croatian neighbour's party across the street, which ended after 2am, kept us awake. The locals have a need to be constantly driving somewhere, ideally with the engine revved and not forgetting to honk their horns. Before the 6am wake-up call, the locals are off to work and probably in a hurry. Finally, for us, this place is not without a celebration of the local native. We have been on the road for 15 days, (Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Greece) , and we are happy to say that the other 13 nights were perfect and at a much higher level.
Owner's reaction Dobrý den, Jardo, mrzí mě, že jste měli neklidnou noc, ale velmi dobře víte, že jsem vám ihned po vašem příjezdu postupně nabídla několik věcí (mimochodem k příjezdu: dorazili jste o čtyři hodiny později, než jste avizovali, téměř za tmy, což na pozemku, kde je potřeba osobní uvedení hostitelem, opravdu není běžné). Nabídla jsem vám:
1) jiné zcela klidné a nerušené místo v zahradě našich přátel cca 3km od našeho pozemku - opakovaně jsem vás upozornila, že v domě přes ulici se zjevně chystá oslava, že s tím bohužel nemohu nic udělat, a že zvýšená hlučnost bude trvat zřejmě do pozdních hodin, protože sem patrně přijede řada hostů autem a na motorkách, nicméně tuto variantu jste odmítli. (Mimochodem, v popisu lokality není vůbec napsáno, že by šlo o nějakou samotu, kde je absolutní ticho - stojí tam výslovně "autentická balkánská vesnice". Je vrchol sezony. Na vesnicích - nejen v Chorvatsku - se holt občas slaví. Nicméně, před 6.h do práce tu jezdí opravdu málokdo, naše vesnice určitě patří mezi ty klidnější, zatím si tu nestěžoval jediný host.)
2) jiné místo k zaparkování v rámci našeho pozemku (vybrali jste si to, které jste si vybrali, tj. mezi garáží a hromadou písku, samotnou mě to překvapilo, ubezpečovali jste mě, že je to pro vás perfektní, že jste zde jen na jednu noc a jste zcela soběstační).
3) možnost hygieny, osprchování atd. v rozlehlé zahradě za domem zcela v soukromí , tj. tam, kde je místo pro klasické stany (totéž: odmítli jste - všechno máte, všechno zvládnete).
4) několik aktuálních informací a upozornění k vaší další cestě do Černé Hory a do Bosny; odmítli jste - vy to tady přeci znáte líp než kdokoli, a můžete mi klidně potvrdit, že Chorvati už nevědí, co by si za služby řekli, všechno je tu předražené a vlastně není o co stát. No...Jak myslíte. Nabízí se otázka, proč sem už tolik let jezdíte na plachetnici, jak jste sám uvedl. Ale budiž. Pohybuji se na Balkáně pětadvacet let, pracovala jsem několik let v Kosovu, vydala jsem obsáhlého fotoprůvodce po Chorvatsku, hostům se snažím poskytnout informace vždy na míru jejich itineráři - náš bezkemp je na tom do značné míry postaven.
4) po vašem odjezdu jsem vám poslala zprávu s omluvou, reagoval jste s tím, že jste se nevyspali, ale chápete, že za oslavu v sousedství jsem nemohla, takže negativní komentář dávat nebudete. Rozmyslel jste si to, což je samozřejmě Vaše právo.
K vašemu sarkastickému upozornění k ceně: částka platí pro stanaře, kteří mají k dispozici celou naši zahradu, zázemí pro sprchování, přenosné toalety, velký stůl, veškeré moje knihy a průvodce k zapůjčení, a nadto fíků, hrušek, oliv a granátových jablek, co se do nich vejde - přijde vám to pořád tak drahé?). Nejlevnější kemp široko daleko začíná na 40eur (ale pokud vím, tak je až do září plný). Nikdo se vám tam nebude věnovat, čekat na vás, spěchat za vámi, pokud se ztratíte (možná jste zapomněl, že jsem pro vás jela, když jste se ztratili a náš pozemek jste nemohli najít). Je přímo naproti rušné promenádě a obchodnímu centru. Dražší kempy jsou za 60 či 80 eur, žádný z nich bych si netroufla označit za vyloženě klidný.
21.7 - 28.7.2024 Marie říká:
My years-long dream to visit Dubrovnik, Croatia, began to come true when Blanka's offer, "At the Adriatic Fiancée in Croatia", appeared on BezKemp and sounded like a fairy tale. And that's what happened. Upon arrival in an authentic Balkan village, not far from Dubrovnik, we were greeted by a very nice family who surprised us with their friendliness and efforts to make our stay as pleasant as possible. Not only will you fall in love with their children, but with their stories about Croatia, you will be completely absorbed by the desire to discover the place even more and differently. We also drew inspiration from the photo guide the writer provided and took her autographed books home at the end. And at the end? Anyone who loves fairy tales and hates resorts like we do will love this place.
27.3 - 28.3.2024 Petra říká:
Mrs Blanka responded to the request for accommodation very quickly, communication was helpful. We could not get on her land for family operational reasons, but she willingly found us parking at her friend's nearby meadow. We were very satisfied, a quiet place with a view of the mountains and great access to Dubrovnik. Without electricity and drinking water, but we were fully satisfied. The owner even came to visit us and we got a nice gift. Please note that the meadow was slightly waterlogged in some places at this time, so you need to look around first. At the same time, beware - if you have a longer caravan, you will have problems with access to the site in the place over the bench. The owners still park 2 cars in these places, so it was a big problem to turn around, it was literally down to the millimeters...
24.3 - 26.3.2024 Zdeňka říká:
We are glad that we found such a quiet camp.
The owner is very nice, sympathetic and speaks Czech well
When you need help.
Thank you very much family Št'astný from Bohemia from Písek
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