Orchard with gazebo, fireplace and seating area at the top with beautiful views. There is no water on the property, but by prior arrangement, you can take water from the tap at our home about 300 m from the orchard. You can sleep overnight in the gazebo, so you don't even need a tent. The site is for one booking only, which ensures peace and comfort for visitors. Multiple visitors within one group is not a problem. Any car can be parked on our land in front of the orchard, see map, or on the fenced land. It is not allowed to drive a car up to the gazebo (steep slope, possibility of getting stuck in the terrain, in addition, I cut and dry the grass for the sheep).I offer the land not only in this category, but also in the category Bezkempu, unfortunately the booking system is not linked across categories, please check if your date is not already occupied in the category Bezkempu (or prefer to book in the category for camping, the gazebo is accessible anyway). For more information see the offer in the camping category.
The property owner must confirm the reservation. What does it mean? 29% reservations confirmed recently. The average response time is 6 minutes. We recommend booking well in advance.
Access to the property may be difficult in rainy weather
The location is within easy reach of the train stop Dolní Lhota on the line Česká Třebová - Brno, from the stop on foot to Spešov is about 20 minutes walk. Or bus on the line Blansko-Lomnice (line 235) with a stop in Spešov. The land is not accessible by car, see the parking plan.
No open flames in the gazebo,candles , cooker etc.
9.7 - 10.7.2024 Jana říká: Great place, we would love to come again.
15.6 - 16.6.2024 Petra říká: We spent the night with my son's friends for his birthday. Although it rained a lot that night, the kids were dry in the gazebo and the parents were quiet in the tent. Beautiful view, quiet, beautiful orchard with old and new trees. Thank you very much for providing.
1.6 - 2.6.2024 Filip říká: Back at the crime scene after a year. It's an absolutely magical place. Thank you :)
As a bonus, a nice kadibudka, a flat place for a tent, a fireplace and wood.
9.9 - 10.9.2023 Jan říká: Amazing solitude with a great view. Fireplace with seating and prepared wood. We slept right in the shelter, we didn't even need a tent. We had a great time and will come again.
Here you may ask the owner additional questions or request services above the regular offer (i.e. you would like to use more space than the capacity of the place). Caution - the question is not regarded as a reservation; to make a reservation, click on "Let's go". Note: Do not ask for availability. The selected dates are available, occupied dates cannot be selected in the calender. It is prohibited to disobey the rules of Campu.eu and pay in cash directly to the owner (in such cases, your user account may be blocked)
Vyberte, v jaké kategorii hlasujete pro tento pozemek. Účastí v hlasování souhlasíte s podmínkami a pravidly soutěže
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