There are many forest and dirt roads in the vicinity for those who prefer to drive off the beaten track and asphalt roads.
There are many nature trails around the Vltava and Sázava rivers or to the hill called Medník where rare and protected plants bloom in spring, e.g. Kandík. Around the Vltava River through the Svatojánské streams, past the legendary settlement "Ztracená naděje", to the famous tramp pub U Tatterů. And through the forest back to Štěchovice.
There is a straight asphalt road along the Vltava River where locals roller skate. There is also a playground with climbing frames and fitness machines along this road leading to the Štěchovice dam. There is also a gazebo with a multifunctional pole. There is a compressor, WiFi, weather station,....
In nearby Pikovice, friends can arrange horse rides around the area.
Ve Štěchovicích (cca 2km)se nachází multifunkční zařízení kde je sauna, fitness, solárium, plážový volejbal, tenis,...
Arrival and departure times are up to the visitor. The gates will not be locked. The rest of the property is guarded by Great Danes.
Arrival from: 13:00
Departure until: 12:00
Can I come anytime?