Access is via a gravel road, and parking is available on part of the property. Only in one place is the passage narrower - you have to be careful. You can drive a car without any problems.
Bottleneck at the beginning of the driveway - the neighbour's fence is leaning out.
Lots of districts and forest paths ideal for hikes.
Skalka, Husí cesta, Holanské rybníky, Helfenburk, Rašovice, Kravaře, Úštěk, Ostré - these are just some tips for trips.
There are many renowned sites in and around the Kokořín region.
Chmelař pond in Úštěk.
Kravaře swimming pool ( ).
Holanské rybníky.
The Kokořínsko Protected Landscape Area and the Rover Mountains in the immediate vicinity. Lots of sandstone rocks, castles Hřídelík, Ronov and Helfenburk, calvary Ostré and historical town Úštěk nearby.
Arrival from: 13:00
Departure until: 12:00
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