gravel driveway, then field, grassy, the meadow is on the plain, but not completely flat, occasionally mowed.
Access to the cycle paths is about 150m to the left of the property, Samota Street around Fort XXII "Lazecký", direction Lazecká shooting range
Camping meadow
Our camping meadow is for decent people who are looking for a place to sleep on their travels. We expect that you will not disturb any neighbours during your stay, you will not enter the fields outside the meadow, you will not leave any of your rubbish on the meadow (contents of the chemical toilet). We will mow the meadow for you from time to time and if there is more interest we will try to develop our services.
Please take care when entering and exiting. On the driveway to the meadow you turn off the busy road at a slightly uncluttered bend around the fortress!!