Stellplatz - water mill Švihov

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20.21 €

20.21 €

0 €

0 €
The newly built stellplatz for caravans and trailers is located in close proximity to the Švihov water castle.
The stellplatz is situated in the adjacent water mill area, from where you have a direct view of the castle itself.

On the stellplatz you will find:
- 4 paved parking spaces for caravans/trailers.
- Each pitch has a water and electricity connection (included).
- Each plot has its own lighting.
- A chemical toilet sink.
- Grey water outlet (driveway).
- Garden for recreation.

Water mill Švihov is a protected monument, where gradual reconstruction is underway. A lot of work is going on inside the building, so guests are not disturbed, but it is still a living organism that grows and blossoms, so there may be some movement and bustle around the mill. In the event of major work, the stellplatz will be closed to guests.

Please do not enter the marked no-entry areas. Use of the seating area "behind the hub" only by prior arrangement with the owners.

Personal sips without camping:
Although at first impression it may seem that you are entering a construction site, this is only partially true. The current owners decided 6 years ago to buy and save the mill and are gradually restoring and reconstructing what the communist managed to "finish". The caravan parking area is new, and the garden and courtyard areas have already been partially restored. However, it is necessary to take into account the "industrial" colour of the place.
The owner's account of the rescue of the mill, the reconstruction, what he is dealing with and what he is gradually uncovering is fascinating. If you're lucky, he'll even take you on a tour.
A great reward and bonus is the location of the stellplatz. You can't sleep in a caravan anywhere near the castle. The garden is surrounded by a wall, so you have plenty of privacy. The place has a strong genius loci.

Mr. Father's personal sip
As a student, I did a tour of Swihov Castle and fell in love with the place. I used to walk past the mill there. It was a ruin. He looked at me, I looked at him, like that for about 15 years. And then we kind of miraculously got together. I've given him all my time, money, blood and sweat ever since. And I'm not alone in this, fortunately I have great helpers. We bought the mill in 2018 in a total state of disrepair. Leaky roofs, jungle, hundreds of tons of debris, ubiquitous clutter. Anyone who hasn't seen the state of the site at the time won't believe the work that has been done on it, although many parts still look quite run down. The house has a soul, and I sense that soul has been enjoying the last few years, and the house itself has been cooperating in its own renovation. Like an abandoned cat that is glad for a little bit of that care and food, that has gotten a little rest and is looking forward to being scratched.

Speaking of cats. There are two cats living at the mill. Meow and her son Tigger. They're friendly, but they don't exactly seek out friendships with dogs, as it happens. Animals of all kinds are welcome, but if your dog's favourite pastime is chasing cats, then please stop him from doing so.
Apart from the cats, it's like a little aquatic zoo. There are nutria, ducks and of course fish swimming in the reservoir. And people. They can use the granite staircase into the water or jump right off the bank. On your own, of course. We don't have lifeguards. ;-) See you in Švihov!
basic parameters
It is necessary to arrange the time of arrival with the property owner to enable the access to the property. What does it mean?
The reservation is confirmed immediatelly after completing the payment. What does it mean?
There is enough space for 4 individual reservation on the property. What does it mean?
You will receive the exact location after you complete the reservation, indicative map is below. Why?
The property owner contact information will be provided after the reservation. Why?

Discounts when staying more days:

5 - 9 nights: 10%

10 and more nights: 20%

there is no toilet on the property. Please comply with the rules!
drinking water - Each stall has its own tap with drinking water, which can be connected to a hose
electricity - Each pitch has its own connection to the caravan socket and to a regular 230 V socket.
campfire ring
Wastewater disposal
Greywater (shower, washing) - Sink on the property.
Chemical toilet - Sink on the property in the sanitary room
The property is accessible even in winter / in the snow season
The property is easy to access even in bad weather


Between Švihov and Klatovy there is a beautiful cycling route without big elevations


If you have a ticket, you can fish in the millrace, 20 metres from your home.


The Kamýcká Rock is about 3 km from Švihov. A quiet place where you can climb probably all by yourself. Bouldering rocks and crags, suitable for bouldering and rope climbing. The top of the rock is also accessible by ladder for belaying on toprope.

water sports

Bathing couldn't be closer. You can bathe directly in the mill embankment in the water of the Úhlava River. There is a swimming pool with refreshments in Dolany, 7 km away.


Around Švihov there is a nature trail leading to a number of interesting places. There are attractive hills around the town with prehistoric hill forts or nature reserves, deep forests and rocks. From the road to Kamýk there are beautiful views of the castle and the town.

roller skating

The cycling route from Švihov to Klatovy is great for skating.


In the picturesque village of Kamýk, 3 km from Švihov, it is possible to arrange a horseback ride.

Other activities

Regular and children's tours and a number of cultural events at Švihov Castle. Festival always at the end of July.


Fires are allowed only by prior agreement with the owner.
Keep order.
Do not enter restricted areas.
Access to the garden and lawn is permitted for your own recreation. Vehicles are not allowed on the lawn.
Swimming in the embankment is at your own risk.
Use of the seating area and fire pit behind the embankment is by prior permission of the owner only, as is access to this area.
Trailers are required to use the grey water tank (a sink is on site).
Overnight stays in cars, hitchhikers, etc. are not allowed - the stellplatz is only for motorhomes and trailers with their own toilet.
Do not enter the other buildings and restricted areas of the watermill area. You guarantee for your children that they will respect this prohibition.
Thank you for your understanding.

Arrival from: 13:00
Departure until: 12:00
Can I come anytime?

campfire allowed
Be extremely cautios when starting a fire as there is a risk of fire due to long-term drought! Use only designated areas and remove all combustible materials from the reach of fire. Do not start a fire in windy weather. Please consult with the property owner, there may be a temporary fire ban in the area.
own grill allowed
parties and noise prohibited, please keep quiet also during the day More info
payment in cash and outside the reservation system is not possible More info
Visited personally by the team. Our comments:

Pozemek jsme navštívili těsně po jeho kolaudaci. Samotné parcely na parkování jsou vyštěrkované, u každé je přípojka na elektřinu a kohoutek na vodu. Je zajímavé sledovat detaily, například osvětlení u jednotlivých parcel, dvířka k elektrice, nebo využití starých porcelánových a bakelitových vypínačů. Vodní mlýn je chráněnou památkou a právě na něm probíhá rekonstrukce. Majitel se pustil do obdivuhodné práce – pokud budete mít štěstí, vezme vás do útrob mlýna a ukáže vám, jak ho komunisté "upravili". Je tedy třeba počítat částečně s "industriálním" okolím, ale práce většinou probíhají uvnitř mlýna. Stellplatz je nový, stejně tak je již k dispozici zahrada pro hosty nebo vodní náhon pro koupání. Držíme majiteli palce, ať se mu daří dál – je opravdový nadšenec a nelze říct nic jiného než: "klobouček dolů" před ním.

Ratings by guests
Where do the property ratings come from?

What the guests say about the property:
With a view
For cyclists
4.10 - 6.10.2024 Jiří říká:
Beautiful and quiet place, fully equipped. Possibility to refill drinking water, pour toilet and grey water. Although Mr. Owner was not present, call ahead with instructions and everything went 100%. We can only recommend.
12.10 - 13.10.2024 Pavel říká:
Communication with the owner perfect. Access to the place without any problems. The parking itself is excellent. The view of the water castle is a must experience, there is no way to describe it:)
My trip
I will stay in: (What should I select in my case?)

Number of persons:
>12 years
4–2 years
0–3 years

(+ 4.04 € a night) Rules for stays with dogs

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