Cycle tours around the area on your own bike.
The front ones reach a height of up to 20 metres, the rear ones up to 35 metres. Character: the rock is solid, richly horizontal and offers beautiful climbing on vertical and overhanging walls. Chimneys and crevasses can be found here. Belaying.
Bobsleighing, sledging and skiing on our slopes without a lift
Ruins of Rabštejn Castle, Rešov waterfalls .
Horse riding can be arranged in the next village.
Na farmě najdete suchozemské želvy, andulky, králiky, slepice a mnoho dalších hospodářských zvířat o které se můžete starat.
Fires on the property by appointment only. Cattle can only be fed with our feed. What you bring in, you take out.
Arrival from: 11:00
Departure until: 13:00
Can I come anytime?